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Il-Videodrom ta 'David Cronenberg (1983): Viva l-Laħam il-Ġdid !!



Indulge me as the following is both a review of Videodrome as well as my love letter to this fantastic film.


David Cronenberg was one of the first horror directors that I latched onto at an early age. They Came From Within, Rabid, Il-Frieħ, Skaners… I get goosebumps just thinking about his early films. The first Cronenberg film I watched was perhaps his most complex and disturbing, Videodrome. I saw this movie in 1985 when I was fourteen years old. When it was over, my fourteen year old self had no friggin’ clue what I just watched, but I rewound the tape (we had to do that back then) and I watched it over again. When the weekend was over, I had watched Videodrome a total of four times.

Now it is 2015 and Videodrome is still one of my top three genre films of all time. Not only that, but I think this is Cronenberg’s best film to date.

Videodrome kiss

After my first few viewings of Videodrome, all I could piece together was that kinky sex and violence stimulated the growth of an organ in your head that would evolve you into “the New Flesh.” Pretty heady stuff for a fourteen year old. But I couldn’t get this film out of my head. There was something so gritty, disturbing, and sleazy about Videodrome, yet there was also something so intelligent about it. I was determined to understand what Cronenberg had to say through this film.

The story: James Woods played, Max Renn, one of the owners of a crappy little cable station, Civic TV (which is named as a tribute after City TV, an actual television station in Toronto that was infamous for showing soft-core sex films as part of its late night programming). In order to compete against bigger stations, Renn knew they needed to offer something viewers couldn’t get on any other station. Soft-core porn was too tame for Renn’s tastes and he knew his viewers wanted something with more teeth.

Videodrome tumors

One night Harlan (Peter Dvorsky), the station’s engineer, who had a knack for video piracy and “breaking into” other broadcaster’s signals, came across a grainy TV showed called Videodrome. The show had no production values and was simply a woman chained up in an empty room getting beaten. This was the kind of show Renn had been looking for. The next day Renn hires Masha (Lynne Gorman), who had ties to the underworld, to track down where Videodrome was made. When she found it, the only thing she offered Renn was a dire warning:

“[Videodrome] has something that you don’t have, Max. It has a philosophy. And that is what makes it dangerous.”

Videodrome guts

That’s right, Masha found out Videodrome was real snuff TV. After Renn decided to ignore Masha’s warning, he did his own investigation, and what he found was way more than a snuff program. He plunged into the rabbit hole of mind-altered reality, of secret organizations that wanted to change people’s perception of reality, and a lot of other really freaky things.

Videodrome was made for horror fans. Not only is the story fantastic, but the special f/x by Rick Baker are mind-blowing. The f/x were amazing, disgusting, disturbing, and groundbreaking. There were enough show-stopping f/x in this flick to fill four Lucio Fulci films!!


Cronenberg’s body horror theme is stronger here than in his other films, but Videodrome is so much more than just a bunch of gross-out special f/x. The story is layered and at times intricate. Cronenberg wanted to tell us something with Vidjodromu. This was an early warning in the days before technology became so invasive in our daily lives. It was almost as if Cronenberg saw into the future and wanted to warn society about the dangers of retreating into technology and away from actual interpersonal contact. Videodrome also warned about the connection between technology and violence, which was an essential theme in this film. There was so much violence on TV every day that gets taken for granted and we have essentially become desensitized to it. One shadowy group in Videodrome took advantage of this and exploited it.

Videodrome gun

Cronenberg also put together an incredible cast of talented people to pull off his vision. James Woods played his typical, trademarked intense character. He started off arrogant and cocky, but as he watched more and more of the videodrome signal and his body began to evolve into something new, he lost his grip on reality and began to question everything. And in a typical Cronenbergian scene, we watched as a character tried to help Woods and put a machine on his head that would record and analyze his hallucinations. That was a truly surreal scene you won’t soon forget.


Some may think that with its high ideals and philosophical views that this movie gets a little pretentious at times. I never got. This was the type of genre movie that challenged the viewers (much like John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness). Videodrome falls into the category of “philosophical horror,” but there were enough scenes of depravity and gore to keep the gore hounds satisfied. Deborah Harry put in a fantastic performance as Nicki Brand. She became obsessed with the Videodrome TV show and tracked it down and … well, I’ll let you find out what happened to her. Harry’s performance was the perfect combination of kink, raw sexuality, and mystery. When she and Woods were fooling around she coyly asked him, “Wanna try a few things.” This will send a shiver down your spine.

Videodrome helmut

A lot of horror fans were unsatisfied with the ending, but I think Cronenberg left it open and vague on purpose. The way Videodrome ended made the viewer feel as though they just went on the same trip as Max Renn did, and now they don’t know what is real and what’s fantasy anymore. If you haven’t seen this film yet, then you need to see and determine the ending for yourself. Don’t miss this one. I loved every second of this movie and every time I watch it I get something new out of it. Videodrome will get under your skin and you’ll think about it long after you turn off your cathode ray box.


Reviżjoni tal-'Gwerra Ċivili': Tajjeb Tara?

Ikklikkja biex jikkummentaw

Trid tkun illoggjat biex tpoġġi kumment Idħol

Ħalli Irrispondi


Franchise tal-Films 'Evil Dead' Tikseb ŻEWĠ Pagamenti Ġodda



Kien ta’ riskju għal Fede Alvarez li jerġa’ jibda l-klassika tal-orrur ta’ Sam Raimi Il-ħażen mejtin fl-2013, iżda dak ir-riskju ta l-frott u l-istess għamlet is-sequel spiritwali tiegħu Evil Dead Rise fl-2023. Issa Deadline qed tirrapporta li s-serje qed tieħu, mhux waħda, iżda 2 entrati ġodda.

Diġà konna nafu dwar il- Sébastien Vaniček film li ġej li jidħol fl-univers Deadite u għandu jkun segwiment xieraq għall-aħħar film, iżda aħna mifruxa li Francis Galluppi u, Ghost House Stampi qed jagħmlu proġett ta 'darba stabbilit fl-univers ta' Raimi ibbażat off ta 'an idea li Galluppi laqat lil Raimi innifsu. Dak il-kunċett qed jinżamm magħluq.

Evil Dead Rise

“Francis Galluppi huwa rakkontar li jaf meta jżommna nistennew f’tensjoni dejjem ttektek u meta jolqotna bi vjolenza splussiva,” qal Raimi lil Deadline. "Huwa direttur li juri kontroll mhux komuni fid-debutt fil-karatteristika tiegħu."

Dik il-karatteristika hija intitolata L-Aħħar Waqfa Fil-Kontea ta' Yuma li se joħroġ teatralment fl-Istati Uniti fl-4 ta’ Mejju. Isegwi bejjiegħ li jivvjaġġa, “mikalun f’waqfa ta’ mistrieħ rurali ta’ Arizona,” u “jiġi mbuttat f’sitwazzjoni ta’ ostaġġi mill-wasla ta’ żewġ ħallelin ta’ banek mingħajr ebda tfixkil dwar l-użu ta’ moħqrija. -jew azzar kiesaħ u iebes-biex jipproteġu l-fortuna mtebbgħin tad-demm tagħhom."

Galluppi huwa direttur ta’ xorts tax-xjenza/orrur rebbieħ li x-xogħlijiet milqugħin tiegħu jinkludu Infern Għoli tad-Deżert u, Il-Proġett Gemini. Tista' tara l-editjar sħiħ ta' Infern Għoli tad-Deżert u l-teaser għal Gemini hawn taħt:

Infern Għoli tad-Deżert
Il-Proġett Gemini

Reviżjoni tal-'Gwerra Ċivili': Tajjeb Tara?

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'Invisible Man 2' Huwa "Eqreb Mill-Qatt Kien" li Jiġri



Elisabeth Moss fi stqarrija maħsuba ħafna qal f'intervista għall Ferħan Imdejjaq Konfuż li minkejja li kien hemm xi kwistjonijiet loġistiċi biex isir Bniedem Inviżibbli 2 hemm tama fuq l-orizzont.

Ospitanti tal-podcast Josh Horowitz mistoqsi dwar is-segwitu u jekk Moss u direttur Leigh whannell kienu eqreb lejn soluzzjoni biex tinkiseb. "Aħna eqreb milli qatt konna li nkissruh," qal Moss b'daqqiet enormi. Tista 'tara r-reazzjoni tagħha fil- 35:52 immarka fil-video hawn taħt.

Ferħan Imdejjaq Konfuż

Whannell bħalissa jinsab fi New Zealand jiffilmja film ieħor ta' mostru għal Universal, Wolf Man, li jista 'jkun ix-xrara li taqbad il-kunċett mnikkta tal-Univers Skur ta' Universal li ma kiseb l-ebda momentum minn meta Tom Cruise falluta attentat biex jirxoxta. Il-Mummy.

Ukoll, fil-video tal-podcast, Moss tgħid li hi mhux ġol Wolf Man film sabiex kull spekulazzjoni li huwa proġett crossover titħalla fl-arja.

Sadanittant, l-Universal Studios jinsab f'nofs il-bini ta' dar tas-sena kollha ġewwa Las Vegas li se juru xi wħud mill-monsters ċinematiku klassiċi tagħhom. Skont l-attendenza, din tista' tkun l-ispinta li l-istudjo jeħtieġ biex jerġa' jinteressa lill-udjenzi fl-IPs tal-kreaturi tagħhom u biex jikseb aktar films magħmula bbażati fuqhom.

Il-proġett ta 'Las Vegas huwa mistenni li jinfetaħ fl-2025, li jikkoinċidi mal-park tematiku proprju l-ġdid tagħhom f'Orlando imsejħa Univers epiku.

Reviżjoni tal-'Gwerra Ċivili': Tajjeb Tara?

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Is-Serje 'Presumed Innocent' tat-Thriller ta' Jake Gyllenhaal Tiġi Data ta' Ħruġ Bikrija



Jake gyllenhaal preżunt innoċenti

Is-serje limitata ta’ Jake Gyllenhaal Preżunt Innoċenti qed niżel fuq AppleTV+ fit-12 ta’ Ġunju minflok fl-14 ta’ Ġunju kif kien ippjanat oriġinarjament. L-istilla, li Road House reboot għandu ġab reviżjonijiet imħallta fuq Amazon Prime, qed iħaddan l-iskrin żgħir għall-ewwel darba minn meta dehra tiegħu fuq Omiċidju: Ħajja fit-Triq fil 1994.

Jake Gyllenhaal f''Preżunt Innoċenti'

Preżunt Innoċenti qed jiġi prodott minn David E Kelley, Robot Ħażin ta' JJ Abrams, u Warner Bros Huwa adattament tal-film ta’ Scott Turow tal-1990 li fih Harrison Ford jinterpreta avukat li jagħmel dmir doppju bħala investigatur ifittex lill-qattiel tal-kollega tiegħu.

Dawn it-tipi ta’ thrillers sexy kienu popolari fis-snin 90 u ġeneralment kien fihom truf tal-brim. Hawn il-karru għall-oriġinal:

Skond Skadenza, Preżunt Innoċenti ma jitbiegħedx 'il bogħod mill-materjal tas-sors: “...il Preżunt Innoċenti Is-serje se tesplora l-ossessjoni, is-sess, il-politika u l-poter u l-limiti tal-imħabba hekk kif l-akkużat jiġġieled biex iżomm il-familja u ż-żwieġ tiegħu flimkien.”

Sa jmiss għal Gyllenhaal huwa l- Guy Ritchie film ta' azzjoni intitolat Fil-Gray skedat għal rilaxx f'Jannar 2025.

Preżunt Innoċenti hija serje limitata ta’ tmien episodji li se tixxandar fuq AppleTV+ mit-12 ta’ Ġunju.

Reviżjoni tal-'Gwerra Ċivili': Tajjeb Tara?

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