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PERSONA 5: Ġenn, Brillanti U L-Aħjar Mis-Serje



I’m gonna try to be reasonable about how I feel about persona 5. It is gonna be hard but bear with me. If it gets too flowery or lives in too much reverence, I apologize ahead of time.

The game begins as your protagonist decked out in a mask and neato black trench coat appears to be in a surreal casino finishing up what looks like a heist. Once authorities are informed of your location and after a short chase, he is apprehended and placed in an integration room where he is questioned by Sae Niijima about how, he and his cohorts, ended up where they are. From here the story flashes back to fill in the blanks of what happened up until that point. I really like this story telling structure, it takes you back and forth to highlight different areas of your character’s development and the turns it took to get you to where you are.

persona 5 takes place in an all-new high school and with a brand-new group of students. You play a falsely accused student sent to Shujin Academy under probation. Once you arrive you are placed in a halfway house under the care of Sojiro Sakura, where you live in the upstairs of a coffee shop lending help to the owner and slowly building trust.

Once you arrive at your new school you find that you are a bit of an outcast. The teachers don’t want you in the school and place a careful eye on you, other students are just as wary and do what they can to stay away from you.

persona 5

It isn’t long before a mysterious app appears on your phone. Your protagonist deletes it but it keeps coming back. Eventually it leads to him being transported to another realm and your first “Palace.” A palace is a visual representation of an adult who has distorted desires. For example, the first palace you come in contact with belongs to your school’s coach. Since the coach is such an asshole and thinks he is above everything in the real world, his palace looks like a medieval castle where he is the king. Once you discover that the coach is physically abusive to his students and has even gone as far as sexual assault with some of the females, you and a couple of other students able to travel into the other realm decide to do something about it.

On one of your visits to the palace you find a cat named Morgana, who has been imprisoned. Morgana acts as the advisor for you and your group. He gives you the ins and outs of using your persona and its special powers. More importantly he tells you how to “steal the hearts” from a palace filled with distorted desires. This includes finding a way to the central treasure and stealing it. If this is done correctly it causes the target to have a change of heart and in some cases to confess to their crimes.

Once they discover they have the ability to make the world a better place they form a group called The Shadow Thieves and begin to seek out people doing harm to others.

When you aren’t dungeon crawling in palaces, the game is placed on a day and night cycle, where you must balance school attendance, manage a social life and take parts of activates around the city. Each activity you take part in raises certain attributes. For example, going to study at a diner filled with people raises both knowledge and courage, while watching a horror film raises bravery.

Your palace exploration is the centralized dungeon crawling aspect of the game. Here you ambush and battle shadow creatures who have a bunch of persona looking forward to battling you. Exploring palaces carefully, leads to more battles and more loot to be acquired. For a you dungeon crawlers out there this is the real meat of the game. Here you can grind till your heart and your XP is content. If you are able to subdue an enemy, you can enter a dialogue option that gives the lil guy a chance to bargain with you or die. Deal can be made that give you, loot, items or in some cases will convince the creature to join you as one of your persona.

persona 5

Each heart you decide to steal comes with a new teammate that is added to your team. Each teammate comes with their own unique persona abilities and strengths. Since your party is limited to four members, you have to carefully decide which members you will take with you into battle. Despite the fact that you leave some members behind on certain outings, I was happy to see that they are still being leveled up and becoming stronger despite them not actively fighting.

In early Persona titles, in order to unleash your persona, your character would pull out a gun and shoot himself in the head. That isn’t the case anymore. Here you rip a mask out of your flesh to unveil the persona underneath. I kinda miss the old way but I suppose change is good after three titles all doing the same thing.

The key becomes managing your day to fit in as many activates as possible. If you are able to read a book on your way to school, get some answers right in class, spend some time as a drug guinea pig for a fringe doctor and still have time to water your plant before bed, you did a good thing. The amount of time you spend with your peers also strengthens bonds that assist when you are in combat.

As you progress through the game the palaces you visit become higher profile targets and incrementally increase the stakes. All this while trying to keep a low profile in the real world and attempting to remain a productive member of society.

The combat is of the turn-based variety and will have you alternating between melee, firearms and persona attacks. Your teammates are limited to using only a single persona where you are able to collect different persona and use them however you see fit in combat. Each persona can be leveled up and gain a variety of abilities. You can also visit The Blue Room, where Igor will help you to combine different persona’s in order to create stronger ones.

persona 5

The art design of the game is slick and cool. Color palettes are brightly candy colored with brilliant anime direction. The soundtrack is equally amazing, offering Japanese pop riffs and driven fight songs broken up by some beautiful dramatic interludes.

I have been a Persona fan since the beginning and they all hold a special place with me, but with persona 5, the series outdoes itself in every way possible. Not only by being the best Persona title yet but by being the best JRPG I have ever played.  The subject matter is at times seriously disturbing and real. It deals with big issues like sexual assault, stalking, rape and a number of other things. In that way, the story remains grounded in our all too real and confusing world. The central story mechanics are aligned with a retro fit Bidu, where instead of placing an idea, The Phantom Thieves are taking one. Despite some things that get lost in translation from Japanese to English, the dialogue acting is a high mark and the story soars in both the adventure aspects and what should be the mundane day to day activities.

Persona is a 100+ hour experience that manages to stay exciting despite a few repetitive cycles. If a game can make me care about batting cages, bath houses, and burger eating challenges it has succeeded on a level that I don’t think I can quite articulate, past saying this is a special title that is most likely not going to be able to be replicated or outdone until the next title in the Persona series.

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Ikklikkja biex jikkummentaw

Trid tkun illoggjat biex tpoġġi kumment Idħol

Ħalli Irrispondi


Netflix Joħroġ l-Ewwel Filmat tal-BTS 'Fear Street: Prom Queen'



Għaddew tliet snin twal Netflix rilaxxat l-imdemmi, iżda pjaċevoli Triq il-Biża ' fuq il-pjattaforma tagħha. Meħlus b'mod triptiku, l-istreamer qasmet l-istorja fi tliet episodji, li kull wieħed iseħħ f'għaxar snin differenti li sal-finali kienu kollha marbuta flimkien.

Issa, l-istreamer jinsab fil-produzzjoni għas-segwiment tiegħu Triq il-Biża: Reġina tal-Prom li ġġib l-istorja fis-snin 80. Netflix jagħti sinopsi ta' x'għandek tistenna minn Reġina tal-Prom fuq is-sit tal-blog tagħhom tudum:

“Merġgħu lura lejn Shadyside. F'dan il-pagament li jmiss tad-demm mxarrba Triq il-Biża ' franchise, staġun tal-prom fi Shadyside High għaddej u l-wolfpack tal-iskola It Girls hija okkupata bil-kampanji ħelwin u vizzjużi tas-soltu tagħha għall-kuruna. Imma meta barrani qalbieni jiġi nnominat għall-għarrieda fil-qorti, u t-tfajliet l-oħra jibdew jisparixxu b’mod misterjuż, il-klassi tat-88 f’daqqa waħda tidħol għal lejl ta’ prom infernali.” 

Ibbażat fuq serje massiva ta 'RL Stine ta' Triq il-Biża ' rumanzi u spin-offs, dan il-kapitlu huwa n-numru 15 fis-sensiela u kien ippubblikat fl-1992.

Triq il-Biża: Reġina tal-Prom jinkludi cast ensemble qattiel, inklużi India Fowler (The Nevers, Insomnia), Suzanna Son (Red Rocket, The Idol), Fina Strazza (Bniet tal-karti, Above the Shadows), David Iacono (The Summer I Turned Pretty, Cinnamon), Ella Rubin (The Idea of ​​You), Chris Klein (Sweet Magnolias, American Pie), Lili Taylor (Outer Range, Manhunt) u Katherine Waterston (The End We Start From, Perry Mason).

Ebda kelma dwar meta Netflix se jdaħħal is-serje fil-katalgu tiegħu.

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

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Serje ta' Azzjoni Live Scooby-Doo Reboot F'Xogħlijiet fuq Netflix



Scooby Doo Live Action Netflix

Il-Ghosthunting Great Dane bi problema ta’ ansjetà, Scooby doo, qed ikollha reboot u Netflix qed jiġbor it-tab. Varjetà qed jirrapporta li l-ispettaklu emblematiku qed isir sensiela ta’ siegħa għall-istreamer għalkemm ma ġew ikkonfermati l-ebda dettalji. Fil-fatt, l-eżekuttivi ta 'Netflix naqsu milli jikkummentaw.

Scooby-Doo, Fejn Inti!

Jekk il-proġett ikun għaddej, dan ikun l-ewwel film live-action ibbażat fuq il-kartun ta’ Hanna-Barbera mill-2018. Daphne & Velma. Qabel dan, kien hemm żewġ films ta’ azzjoni diretta teatrali, Scooby doo (2002) u Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Ħelsien (2004), imbagħad żewġ sequels li premiered fuq In-Netwerk tal-Cartoons.

Bħalissa, l-adulti orjentati Velma qed tistrimja fuq Max.

Scooby-Doo oriġina fl-1969 taħt it-tim kreattiv Hanna-Barbera. Il-kartun isegwi grupp ta’ adoloxxenti li jinvestigaw ġrajjiet sopranaturali. Magħruf bħala Mystery Inc., l-ekwipaġġ jikkonsisti minn Fred Jones, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, u Shaggy Rogers, u l-aqwa ħabib tiegħu, kelb jitkellem jismu Scooby-Doo.

Scooby doo

Normalment l-episodji żvelaw li l-hauntings li ltaqgħu magħhom kienu ingann żviluppati minn sidien tal-artijiet jew karattri nefarious oħra bit-tama li jbeżżgħu lin-nies 'il bogħod mill-proprjetajiet tagħhom. Is-serje TV oriġinali msemmija Scooby-Doo, Fejn Inti! dam mill-1969 sal-1986. Tant kien suċċess li l-istilel tal-films u l-ikoni tal-kultura pop kienu jagħmlu dehriet mistiedna bħala huma stess fis-serje.

Ċelebritajiet bħal Sonny & Cher, KISS, Don Knotts, u The Harlem Globetrotters għamlu cameos kif għamel Vincent Price li wera lil Vincent Van Ghoul fi ftit episodji.

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Kompli Qari


BET Tħarreġ Thriller Oriġinali Ġdid: The Deadly Getaway



The Deadly Getaway

BET dalwaqt se tkun qed toffri lill-partitarji tal-orrur kura rari. L-istudjo ħabbar l-uffiċjal data tal-ħruġ għat-thriller oriġinali l-ġdid tagħhom, The Deadly Getaway. Immexxi minn Charles Long (Il-Mart tat-Trofew), dan it-thriller iwaqqaf logħba tat-tlielaq tal-qalb tal-qtates u l-ġurdien biex l-udjenzi jegħrqu snienhom.

Li jridu jkissru l-monotonija tar-rutina tagħhom, Hope u, Jacob jitlaq biex iqattgħu l-vaganza tagħhom b'mod sempliċi kabina fl-imsaġar. Madankollu, l-affarijiet imorru għall-ġenb meta l-ex għarus ta’ Hope jidher ma’ tfajla ġdida fl-istess post ta’ kampeġġ. L-affarijiet dalwaqt joħorġu bla kontroll. Hope u, Jacob issa jridu jaħdmu flimkien biex jaħarbu mill-boskijiet b'ħajjithom.

The Deadly Getaway
The Deadly Getaway

The Deadly Getaway hija miktuba minn Eric Dickens (Makeup X Breakup) U Ċad Quinn (Riflessjonijiet tal-Istati Uniti). L-istilel tal-Films, Yandy Smith-Harris (Jumejn f’Harlem), Jason Weaver (The Jacksons: An American Dream), U Jeff Logan (It-tieġ tiegħi ta' San Valentinu).

Showrunner Tressa Azarel Smallwood kellu dan li ġej dwar il-proġett. “The Deadly Getaway hija l-introduzzjoni mill-ġdid perfetta għal thrillers klassiċi, li jinkludu tidwiriet drammatiċi, u mumenti li jkessħu s-sinsla. Hija turi l-firxa u d-diversità ta’ kittieba Suwed emerġenti f’ġeneri ta’ film u televiżjoni.”

The Deadly Getaway se premiere fil-5.9.2024, esklussivament ion BET+.

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

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