Kuntatt magħna


Patrick Wilson; The New Leading Man fl-Orrur



Today Patrick Wilson celebrates his 44th birthday, and when he began his film career a little more than a decade ago there was no way of predicting he would be the leading face of the horror genre today.  Here are six movies that prove Patrick Wilson has arrived as a star in the horror genre.

1. Hard Candy

In 2005 Wilson was a newcomer to the movie industry along with co-star Ellen Page, who was equally unknown to the mainstream audience at the time.  Together they created movie magic in Kandju iebes.  It’s hard to talk about this movie without high praise not only for its clever and addictive plot, but even more so for its actors.  With 99% of the film resting upon Wilson and Page’s shoulders they made it look all too easy to pull off.  Unfortunately it’s also extremely difficult to talk about this movie without spoilers.  What I can say is Wilson’s performance was painfully believable as Page’s character, Haley, pulls a bait and switch to for Wilson to expose the dark secrets she believes he is hiding.  Wilson’s believable emotions, persuasive dialogue and undeniable charm have you questioning what you believe, even after the credits roll.

2.Lakeview Terrace

Later in 2008 Wilson starred alongside infamous co-star Samuel L. Jackson in Terrazzin tal-Lakeview.  In this movie Jackson plays a power hungry LAPD officer who is hellbent on forcing out the interracial couple who recently moved in next door played by Patrick Wilson and Kerry Washington.  While it’s hard not to fall into Jackson’s shadow in any of his movies, Wilson held his own going toe to toe with the veteran actor.  Even more frightening than the thriller’s intimidating antagonist is the fact the film is based on a true story that occurred in Altadena, California.  While the real life story may not have ended the same as the fictional story, no office should abuse the badge the way this man did.

Despite his early success when he began acting nothing could have predicted the way his career was about to explode with the release of two horror movies in 2010 and 2013.  The two movies I speak of, of course, are Insidjuż u, Il Conjuring.

3. Insidious: Chapter 1

Is-suċċess ta ' Insidjuż spawned two sequels with the fourth installment currently under production.  In the paranormal horror Wilson plays husband and father Josh Lambert.  As a child Josh had a connection with the paranormal world where a parasitic spirit of an old woman haunted the young boy.  However, with the help of demonolgist Elise, played by Lin Shaye, he is able to suppress his ability to astral project.  This action cut off the terrorizing old woman who terrorized Josh and he was able to live a normal life.  Throughout his adult life he is no longer haunted by the spirit.  Unknowingly, Josh passes the ability of astral projection onto one of his sons.  It is again with Elise’s help that he has to remember and then embrace his ability to confront the paranormal beings who haunted him as a child and rescue his son.

4. Insidious: Chapter 2

With the success of the original a sequel quickly followed by the original movie’s director and writer, James Wan.  In the sequel it is discovered Josh Lambert did not come back from the other side alone, known as ‘The Further,’ where he rescued his son.  In Insidjuż: Kapitolu 2  we learn Wilson’s character has become possessed by the spirit of the old woman he was haunted by as a child.  Slowly his body begins to deteriorate as he falls further and further under possession.  It is in this movie that we learn the old woman who is possessing Josh is not an old woman, but a transgender serial killer known as the “Bride in Black,” aka Parker Crane.

As Josh’s body is taken over by the spirit of the serial killer his own spirit is trapped in ‘The Further’ with the spirit of Elise who was killed by the possessed Lambert in the previous film.  Together they search for a way out.  It is here where they find Parker’s mother instructing him to kill Lambert’s family so his soul can stay in the new body.  With Elise’s help she and Josh defeat Parker as well as his mother, allowing Lambert to take back control over his body and save his family.  To conclude the sequel both Josh Lambert and his son both get their memories of being able to astral project erased from their minds so they can no longer enter ‘The Further.’

5. Il-Konvenzjoni

Perhaps Patrick Wilson’s most popular leading role is in Il Conjuring series, also directed by James Wan, where he portrays real life demonologist Ed Warren. Real life ghost hunters Ed Warren and wife Lorraine Warren, portrayed by Vera Farmiga, spent decades helping those under paranormal attack and demonic oppression and possession.  Movie makers saw an opportunity in these stories and began Il Conjuring films.

While it is not the first case the Warrens investigated together, the first movie is about their involvement in the Perron’s family home in Rhode Island.  In this encounter they tried to rid the spirits from the family’s home.  In the movie the Warrens are called in to gather evidence of the haunting and discover it is so much more than just a paranormal occurrence, but a demonic attack.  They must perform an exorcism on the home, but need approval from the Church.  In the meantime the demon takes over the body and soul of the mother of the Perron family, played by Lili Taylor.  Instead of waiting for the Church’s approval Ed preceeds to perform the exorcism.  Successfully vacating the demon from Mrs. Perron’s body and freeing the home from the malicious activity the couple go back home to Connecticut.  This is where they receive a message about a family needing their assistance in Long Island, alluding to the Amityville Horror, which is another real life case they assisted in.

6. Il-Konġunt 2
Fis-segwiment, Il-Konġuranti 2, the Warrens travel to England to assist in the case of the Enfield Poltergeist.  A family falls under attach by poltergeist activity which focuses on the second oldest daughter, Janet.   It follows a similar formula as the first with Ed and Lorraine helping a family haunted by the paranormal as they gather evidence of the haunting and realize there is something much more evil going on in the home.  However it is Lorraine who is plagued by visions from the demon, believing Ed’s life is in peril in connection to this case.  As her visions of Ed’s demise are about to come true it is Lorraine who condemns the demon back to hell, saving not only her husband by the family as well.

While everyone has their own opinion if the Warrens were real ghost hunters or con artists, I was raised in the state they lived in and have seen Lorraine Warren speak on many occasions.  I also knew of her husband and his work, and read their books.  I feel Wilson’s portrayal, as well as Farmiga’s, were very accurate and true to the real life people they portrayed.  From many accounts Ed was compassionate, caring, but also completely devote in his beliefs and would never turn down a person in need, and Wilson conveyed these traits in spades.

It-tielet Konjuring movie has not just been announced, but confirmed as well as begun development.  While we know director James Wan plans to take a backseat on this movie’s production, the reprise of Ed Warren by Patrick Wilson has not yet been confirmed or denied.


Just because… 🙂

Reviżjoni tal-'Gwerra Ċivili': Tajjeb Tara?

Ikklikkja biex jikkummentaw

Trid tkun illoggjat biex tpoġġi kumment Idħol

Ħalli Irrispondi


Franchise tal-Films 'Evil Dead' Tikseb ŻEWĠ Pagamenti Ġodda



Kien ta’ riskju għal Fede Alvarez li jerġa’ jibda l-klassika tal-orrur ta’ Sam Raimi Il-ħażen mejtin fl-2013, iżda dak ir-riskju ta l-frott u l-istess għamlet is-sequel spiritwali tiegħu Evil Dead Rise fl-2023. Issa Deadline qed tirrapporta li s-serje qed tieħu, mhux waħda, iżda 2 entrati ġodda.

Diġà konna nafu dwar il- Sébastien Vaniček film li ġej li jidħol fl-univers Deadite u għandu jkun segwiment xieraq għall-aħħar film, iżda aħna mifruxa li Francis Galluppi u, Ghost House Stampi qed jagħmlu proġett ta 'darba stabbilit fl-univers ta' Raimi ibbażat off ta 'an idea li Galluppi laqat lil Raimi innifsu. Dak il-kunċett qed jinżamm magħluq.

Evil Dead Rise

“Francis Galluppi huwa rakkontar li jaf meta jżommna nistennew f’tensjoni dejjem ttektek u meta jolqotna bi vjolenza splussiva,” qal Raimi lil Deadline. "Huwa direttur li juri kontroll mhux komuni fid-debutt fil-karatteristika tiegħu."

Dik il-karatteristika hija intitolata L-Aħħar Waqfa Fil-Kontea ta' Yuma li se joħroġ teatralment fl-Istati Uniti fl-4 ta’ Mejju. Isegwi bejjiegħ li jivvjaġġa, “mikalun f’waqfa ta’ mistrieħ rurali ta’ Arizona,” u “jiġi mbuttat f’sitwazzjoni ta’ ostaġġi mill-wasla ta’ żewġ ħallelin ta’ banek mingħajr ebda tfixkil dwar l-użu ta’ moħqrija. -jew azzar kiesaħ u iebes-biex jipproteġu l-fortuna mtebbgħin tad-demm tagħhom."

Galluppi huwa direttur ta’ xorts tax-xjenza/orrur rebbieħ li x-xogħlijiet milqugħin tiegħu jinkludu Infern Għoli tad-Deżert u, Il-Proġett Gemini. Tista' tara l-editjar sħiħ ta' Infern Għoli tad-Deżert u l-teaser għal Gemini hawn taħt:

Infern Għoli tad-Deżert
Il-Proġett Gemini

Reviżjoni tal-'Gwerra Ċivili': Tajjeb Tara?

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'Invisible Man 2' Huwa "Eqreb Mill-Qatt Kien" li Jiġri



Elisabeth Moss fi stqarrija maħsuba ħafna qal f'intervista għall Ferħan Imdejjaq Konfuż li minkejja li kien hemm xi kwistjonijiet loġistiċi biex isir Bniedem Inviżibbli 2 hemm tama fuq l-orizzont.

Ospitanti tal-podcast Josh Horowitz mistoqsi dwar is-segwitu u jekk Moss u direttur Leigh whannell kienu eqreb lejn soluzzjoni biex tinkiseb. "Aħna eqreb milli qatt konna li nkissruh," qal Moss b'daqqiet enormi. Tista 'tara r-reazzjoni tagħha fil- 35:52 immarka fil-video hawn taħt.

Ferħan Imdejjaq Konfuż

Whannell bħalissa jinsab fi New Zealand jiffilmja film ieħor ta' mostru għal Universal, Wolf Man, li jista 'jkun ix-xrara li taqbad il-kunċett mnikkta tal-Univers Skur ta' Universal li ma kiseb l-ebda momentum minn meta Tom Cruise falluta attentat biex jirxoxta. Il-Mummy.

Ukoll, fil-video tal-podcast, Moss tgħid li hi mhux ġol Wolf Man film sabiex kull spekulazzjoni li huwa proġett crossover titħalla fl-arja.

Sadanittant, l-Universal Studios jinsab f'nofs il-bini ta' dar tas-sena kollha ġewwa Las Vegas li se juru xi wħud mill-monsters ċinematiku klassiċi tagħhom. Skont l-attendenza, din tista' tkun l-ispinta li l-istudjo jeħtieġ biex jerġa' jinteressa lill-udjenzi fl-IPs tal-kreaturi tagħhom u biex jikseb aktar films magħmula bbażati fuqhom.

Il-proġett ta 'Las Vegas huwa mistenni li jinfetaħ fl-2025, li jikkoinċidi mal-park tematiku proprju l-ġdid tagħhom f'Orlando imsejħa Univers epiku.

Reviżjoni tal-'Gwerra Ċivili': Tajjeb Tara?

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Is-Serje 'Presumed Innocent' tat-Thriller ta' Jake Gyllenhaal Tiġi Data ta' Ħruġ Bikrija



Jake gyllenhaal preżunt innoċenti

Is-serje limitata ta’ Jake Gyllenhaal Preżunt Innoċenti qed niżel fuq AppleTV+ fit-12 ta’ Ġunju minflok fl-14 ta’ Ġunju kif kien ippjanat oriġinarjament. L-istilla, li Road House reboot għandu ġab reviżjonijiet imħallta fuq Amazon Prime, qed iħaddan l-iskrin żgħir għall-ewwel darba minn meta dehra tiegħu fuq Omiċidju: Ħajja fit-Triq fil 1994.

Jake Gyllenhaal f''Preżunt Innoċenti'

Preżunt Innoċenti qed jiġi prodott minn David E Kelley, Robot Ħażin ta' JJ Abrams, u Warner Bros Huwa adattament tal-film ta’ Scott Turow tal-1990 li fih Harrison Ford jinterpreta avukat li jagħmel dmir doppju bħala investigatur ifittex lill-qattiel tal-kollega tiegħu.

Dawn it-tipi ta’ thrillers sexy kienu popolari fis-snin 90 u ġeneralment kien fihom truf tal-brim. Hawn il-karru għall-oriġinal:

Skond Skadenza, Preżunt Innoċenti ma jitbiegħedx 'il bogħod mill-materjal tas-sors: “...il Preżunt Innoċenti Is-serje se tesplora l-ossessjoni, is-sess, il-politika u l-poter u l-limiti tal-imħabba hekk kif l-akkużat jiġġieled biex iżomm il-familja u ż-żwieġ tiegħu flimkien.”

Sa jmiss għal Gyllenhaal huwa l- Guy Ritchie film ta' azzjoni intitolat Fil-Gray skedat għal rilaxx f'Jannar 2025.

Preżunt Innoċenti hija serje limitata ta’ tmien episodji li se tixxandar fuq AppleTV+ mit-12 ta’ Ġunju.

Reviżjoni tal-'Gwerra Ċivili': Tajjeb Tara?

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