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Steve Martin u Martin Short Star fi Whodunit, 'Qtil biss fil-Bini'




Steve Martin u Martin Short huma ġenji komiċi individwalment. Kull meta Martin u Short jgħaqqdu l-forzi fuq l-iskrin, dan kien ifisser li int kont tieħu pjaċir kbir. qed infisser Tliet Amigos hija klassika kompluta. Issa, iż-żewġ allat tal-kummiedja qed jieħdu sehem flimkien f’unita ’kbira. Wara li jsir qtil f'bini, jingħaqdu mal-ġar Selena Gomez biex jippruvaw isibu l-qattiel ... li jista 'jkun Sting jew le. Qtil biss fil-Bini diġà jidher qisu se jkun żmien kompletament kbir.

Is-sinopsi għal Qtil biss fil-Bini imur hekk:

"Only Murders In The Building" isegwi tliet barranin (Steve Martin, Martin Short u Selena Gomez) li jaqsmu ossessjoni bil-kriminalità vera u f'daqqa waħda jsibu ruħhom imgeżwer f'waħda. Meta sseħħ mewt kerha ġewwa l-bini tal-appartament esklussiv tagħhom ta ’Upper West Side, it-trio jissuspetta qtil u juża l-għarfien preċiż tagħhom tal-kriminalità vera biex jinvestiga l-verità. Hekk kif jirrekordjaw podcast tagħhom stess biex jiddokumentaw il-każ, it-tlieta jsolvu s-sigrieti kumplessi tal-bini li jmorru lura s-snin. Forsi aktar splussivi huma l-gideb li jgħidu lil xulxin. Dalwaqt, it-trio fil-periklu jinduna li qattiel jista 'jkun qed jgħix fosthom hekk kif jiġru biex jiddeċifraw l-indikazzjonijiet immuntati qabel ma jkun tard wisq.

Bħallikieku Martin u Short li qed jieħdu sehem fil-film ma kinux biżżejjed, huma wkoll jiktbu u jipproduċu eżekuttivi. Ma nistax nistenna għal dan! Fortunatament, ma jkollniex wisq nistennew.

Qtil biss fil-Bini tasal fuq Hulu mill-31 ta ’Awwissu.

X'taħsbu intom dwar ir-ritorn ta 'Martin Short u Steve Martin?

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

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Trailer ta' 'Scream' inkredibbli imma immaġinat mill-ġdid bħala Flick tal-Orrur tas-snin 50



Ever wonder what your favorite horror movies would look like if they had been made in the 50s? Thanks to We Hate Popcorn But Eat It Anyway and their use of modern technology now you can!

il YouTube kanal reimagines modern movie trailers as mid-century pulp flicks using AI software.

What is really neat about these bite-sized offerings is that some of them, mostly the slashers go against what cinemas had to offer over 70 years ago. Horror movies back then involved atomic monsters, scary aliens, or some sort of physical science gone awry. This was the era of the B-movie where actresses would put their hands against their faces and let out over-dramatic screams reacting to their monstrous pursuer.

With the advent of new color systems such as Deluxe u, Technicolor, movies were vibrant and saturated in the 50s enhancing primary colors that electrified the action happening on screen, bringing a whole new dimension to films using a process called Panavision.

“Scream” reimagined as a 50s horror movie.

Forsi, Alfred Hitchcock upended the karatteristika tal-kreatura trope by making his monster a human in Psiko (1960). He used black and white film to create shadows and contrast which added suspense and drama to every setting. The final reveal in the basement would probably not have been if he had used color.

Jump to the 80s and beyond, actresses were less histrionic, and the only emphasized primary color was blood red.

What is also unique about these trailers is the narration. The We Hate Popcorn But Eat It Anyway team has captured the monotone narration of 50s movie trailer voiceovers; those over-dramatic faux news anchor cadences that emphasized buzz words with a sense of urgency.

That mechanic died out long ago, but luckily, you can see what some of your favorite modern horror movies would look like when Eisenhower was in office, developing suburbs were replacing farmland and cars were made with steel and glass.

Here are some other noteworthy trailers brought to you by We Hate Popcorn But Eat It Anyway:

“Hellraiser” reimagined as a 50s horror movie.

“It” reimagined as a 50s horror movie.
Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

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Ti West Teases Idea Għar-Raba' Film Fil-Frankija 'X'



This is something that will excite fans of the franchise. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Ti Punent mentioned his idea for a fourth film in the franchise. He stated, “I do have one idea that plays into these movies that could maybe happen…” Iċċekkja aktar minn dak li qal fl-intervista hawn taħt.

First Look Image at MaXXXine (2024)

In the interview, Ti West stated, “I do have one idea that plays into these movies that could maybe happen. I don’t know if it’ll be next. It might be. We’ll see. I’ll say that, if there’s more to be done in this X franchise, it’s certainly not what people are expecting it to be.”

He then said, “It’s not just picking up again a few years later and whatever. It’s different in the way that Pearl was an unexpected departure. It’s another unexpected departure.”

First Look Image at MaXXXine (2024)

The first film in the franchise, X, was released in 2022 and was a huge success. The film made $15.1M on a $1M budget. It received great reviews earning a 95% Critic and 75% Audience scores on Tadam immuffati. The next film, Pearl, was also released in 2022 and is a prequel to the first film. It was also a big success making $10.1M on a $1M budget. It received great reviews earning a 93% Critic and 83% Audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.

First Look Image at MaXXXine (2024)

MaXXXine, which is the 3rd installment in the franchise, is set to be released in theaters on July 5th of this year. It follows the story of adult film star and aspiring actress Maxine Minx finally gets her big break. However, as a mysterious killer stalks the starlets of Los Angeles, a trail of blood threatens to reveal her sinister past. It is a direct sequel to X and stars Goth tiegħi, Kevin Bacon, Giancarlo Esposito, and more.

Official Movie Poster for MaXXXine (2024)

What he says in the interview should excite fans and leave you wondering what he may have up his sleeve for a fourth film. It seems like it may either be a spinoff or something entirely different. Are you excited for a possible 4th film in this franchise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, check out the official trailer for MaXXXine hawn taħt.

Official Trailer for MaXXXine (2024)
Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Kompli Qari


'47 Metru 'l isfel' se jġib it-tielet film imsejjaħ 'The Wreck'



Skadenza qed tirraporta li ġdid 47 Metru 'l isfel ħlas bin-nifs sejjer fil-produzzjoni, u jagħmel is-serje tal-klieb il-baħar triloġija. 

“Il-kreatur tas-serje Johannes Roberts, u l-iskriptist Ernest Riera, li kiteb l-ewwel żewġ films, kitbu flimkien it-tielet parti: 47 Metru 'l isfel: Il-Wreck.” Patrick Lussier (Valentine imdemmi tiegħi) se jidderieġi.

L-ewwel żewġ films kienu suċċess moderat, li nħarġu fl-2017 u fl-2019 rispettivament. It-tieni film huwa intitolat 47 Metru 'l isfel: Mhux fil-gaġġa

47 Metru 'l isfel

Il-komplott għal Il-Wreck hija dettaljata mill-Iskadenza. Huma jiktbu li tinvolvi missier u bint li jippruvaw isewwu r-relazzjoni tagħhom billi jqattgħu ħin flimkien scuba diving ġo vapur għereq, “Imma ftit wara li jinżlu, il-kaptan tal-għaddasa tagħhom ikollu inċident li jħallihom waħedhom u mhux protetti ġewwa l-labirint tal-fdalijiet. Hekk kif it-tensjonijiet jogħlew u l-ossiġnu jonqos, il-koppja jridu jużaw ir-rabta ġdida tagħhom biex jaħarbu mit-tifrik u l-barrage bla waqfien ta’ klieb il-baħar bojod kbar għatxana d-demm.”

Il-produtturi tal-films qed jittamaw li jippreżentaw il-pitch lill- Is-suq ta’ Cannes bil-produzzjoni tibda fil-ħarifa. 

"47 Metru 'l isfel: Il-Wreck hija l-kontinwazzjoni perfetta tal-franchise tagħna mimlija bil-klieb il-baħar,” qal Byron Allen, fundatur/chairman/CEO ta’ Allen Media Group. "Dan il-film se jerġa' jkollu lil dawk li jżuru ċ-ċinema mbeżżgħin u fuq tarf is-siġġijiet tagħhom."

Johannes Roberts iżid, “Ma nistgħux nistennew li l-udjenzi jerġgħu jinqabdu taħt l-ilma magħna. 47 Metru 'l isfel: Il-Wreck se jkun l-akbar u l-aktar film intens ta’ din il-franchise.”

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Isma l-'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Kompli Qari