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31 Iljieli tal-Istorja tal-Biża ': It-2 ta' Ottubru "The Furry Collar"



Hello and welcome back to my 31 Iljieli tal-Istorja tal-Biża ' series celebrating the Halloween month and the scary campfire stories we know and love!  Tonight’s story The Furry Collar has a colorful history all its own.

It began as a story within a story in a popular novella called The Gentleman from America by Michael Arlen.  Arlen’s novella captured the imagination of everyone who read it, including Alfred Hitchcock who had it adapted for “Alfred Hitchcock Presents…” in 1956.  The Furry Collar developed a life of its own outside the novella, however, and became a popular story to tell on dark and stormy nights changing and evolving with names changed along with the time period in which the story takes place.

Without further ado, let’s light the campfire and settle in to read…The Furry Collar.

*** Nota tal-Kittieb: Aħna hawn fuq iHorror aħna proponenti kbar ta 'parenting responsabbli. Uħud mill-istejjer f'din is-sensiela jistgħu jkunu wisq għal dawk iż-żgħar tiegħek. Jekk jogħġbok aqra minn qabel u tiddeċiedi jekk it-tfal tiegħek jistgħux jimmaniġġjaw din l-istorja! Jekk le, sib storja oħra għal-lejla jew sempliċement erġa 'tara lilna għada. Fi kliem ieħor, tinix tort tal-inkubi tat-tfal tiegħek! ***

The Furry Collar as retold by Waylon Jordan

Julia and Bessie were the best of friends, though the two couldn’t be more different.  Julia was brave and outgoing while Bessie was quiet, shy, and always seemed to be afraid.

On Halloween night, Bessie’s family had to be away and she was afraid to stay alone so she asked Julia to stay the night with her.  Julia, of course, agreed to stay to protect her friend from her fears.  Bessie’s family home was off the beaten path, you see, and a bit gloomy so even Julia understood that one might be nervous staying alone on Halloween night.

Julia arrived in late afternoon and the girls spent their time talking about the things that 15 year old girls do.  They made themselves food and were really having a marvelous time as the sun slowly set.

Before long, it was time to go to bed.

“I can’t wait for you to see my new nightgown,” Julia exclaimed, and she took her candle and ran from the room to change.

Bessie changed into her usual white cotton nightgown, all the while wondering what her friend might have to show her.

Julia returned to the room bathed in the soft glow of her candle.  Bessie was awestruck at the sight of the gorgeous red silk gown that her friend wore and even more at the beautiful rich black fur that lined the collar.

The girls climbed into Bessie’s large canopy bed and lay there chatting for the longest time.  It was well beyond midnight when they suddenly heard a sound from downstairs.

scratch, scratch, scratch…

The girls turned to look at each other, Bessie’s fear shining in her eyes.

“What was that?”

scratch, scratch, scratch…

Julia sat up in bed.

“It’s probably a cat…” she replied.

scratch, scratch, scratch…

“I’m going to go down to see,” Julia said.

“NO!” Bessie cried.  “You can’t leave me here alone.”

“Don’t be a baby,” Julia said more harshly than she intended.  “It will only take a second.  I’m sure it’s nothing.”

“No, please, Julia!”

“I know!  I’ll lock the door behind me so no one can get inside.  How about that?”

Knowing she couldn’t talk her friend into staying, Bessie quietly agreed.

Julia climbed out of bed, lit a candle, grabbed the key for the door and stepped out into the hall.  Bessie sat in the quiet holding her breath as she heard the click of the key in the lock.  She heard her friend retreat down the stairs followed by the sound again…

scratch, scratch, scratch…

Bessie fell back onto the bed and pulled the covers over herself listening as intently as she could.  After a few minutes, she heard the sound again followed by footsteps moving up the stairs.

Scratch, Scratch, Scratch…

Bessie shivered as both sounds stopped right outside her bedroom.  She heard the key turn in the lock and the creak of the hinges as the door slowly opened.  She pulled the covers from over her head only just then realizing how very dark it was in the room and that Julia had taken their only candle.

“Julia?  Julia, is that you?”

She heard the soft rustle of fabric move to the side of the bed…

“Julia, if that’s you, light the candle!” Bessie cried.

When no one answered, Bessie slowly reached out until her fingers brushed the silky fabric of Julia’s gown.


Bessie ran her hand up higher along the gown until she felt something wet.  Her fingers trembled as she pushed her hand higher over the soft fur collar and then, suddenly, there was nothing.  Nothing but a bloody stump where her dearest friend’s head should have been.

Julia’s body fell to the floor as Bessie’s screams shattered the night.

When her parents returned in the morning, they found Julia’s body on the floor of the bedroom and Bessie curled into a corner of her room.  Her hair had turned solid white.  Julia’s head was never found…


Thank you for joining us for our story night!  We do hope you’ll join us again for tomorrow’s story, and in the meantime, happy haunting’s readers!

(If you missed yesterday’s story, click here!)

Reviżjoni tal-'Gwerra Ċivili': Tajjeb Tara?

Ikklikkja biex jikkummentaw

Trid tkun illoggjat biex tpoġġi kumment Idħol

Ħalli Irrispondi


Franchise tal-Films 'Evil Dead' Tikseb ŻEWĠ Pagamenti Ġodda



Kien ta’ riskju għal Fede Alvarez li jerġa’ jibda l-klassika tal-orrur ta’ Sam Raimi Il-ħażen mejtin fl-2013, iżda dak ir-riskju ta l-frott u l-istess għamlet is-sequel spiritwali tiegħu Evil Dead Rise fl-2023. Issa Deadline qed tirrapporta li s-serje qed tieħu, mhux waħda, iżda 2 entrati ġodda.

Diġà konna nafu dwar il- Sébastien Vaniček film li ġej li jidħol fl-univers Deadite u għandu jkun segwiment xieraq għall-aħħar film, iżda aħna mifruxa li Francis Galluppi u, Ghost House Stampi qed jagħmlu proġett ta 'darba stabbilit fl-univers ta' Raimi ibbażat off ta 'an idea li Galluppi laqat lil Raimi innifsu. Dak il-kunċett qed jinżamm magħluq.

Evil Dead Rise

“Francis Galluppi huwa rakkontar li jaf meta jżommna nistennew f’tensjoni dejjem ttektek u meta jolqotna bi vjolenza splussiva,” qal Raimi lil Deadline. "Huwa direttur li juri kontroll mhux komuni fid-debutt fil-karatteristika tiegħu."

Dik il-karatteristika hija intitolata L-Aħħar Waqfa Fil-Kontea ta' Yuma li se joħroġ teatralment fl-Istati Uniti fl-4 ta’ Mejju. Isegwi bejjiegħ li jivvjaġġa, “mikalun f’waqfa ta’ mistrieħ rurali ta’ Arizona,” u “jiġi mbuttat f’sitwazzjoni ta’ ostaġġi mill-wasla ta’ żewġ ħallelin ta’ banek mingħajr ebda tfixkil dwar l-użu ta’ moħqrija. -jew azzar kiesaħ u iebes-biex jipproteġu l-fortuna mtebbgħin tad-demm tagħhom."

Galluppi huwa direttur ta’ xorts tax-xjenza/orrur rebbieħ li x-xogħlijiet milqugħin tiegħu jinkludu Infern Għoli tad-Deżert u, Il-Proġett Gemini. Tista' tara l-editjar sħiħ ta' Infern Għoli tad-Deżert u l-teaser għal Gemini hawn taħt:

Infern Għoli tad-Deżert
Il-Proġett Gemini

Reviżjoni tal-'Gwerra Ċivili': Tajjeb Tara?

Kompli Qari


'Invisible Man 2' Huwa "Eqreb Mill-Qatt Kien" li Jiġri



Elisabeth Moss fi stqarrija maħsuba ħafna qal f'intervista għall Ferħan Imdejjaq Konfuż li minkejja li kien hemm xi kwistjonijiet loġistiċi biex isir Bniedem Inviżibbli 2 hemm tama fuq l-orizzont.

Ospitanti tal-podcast Josh Horowitz mistoqsi dwar is-segwitu u jekk Moss u direttur Leigh whannell kienu eqreb lejn soluzzjoni biex tinkiseb. "Aħna eqreb milli qatt konna li nkissruh," qal Moss b'daqqiet enormi. Tista 'tara r-reazzjoni tagħha fil- 35:52 immarka fil-video hawn taħt.

Ferħan Imdejjaq Konfuż

Whannell bħalissa jinsab fi New Zealand jiffilmja film ieħor ta' mostru għal Universal, Wolf Man, li jista 'jkun ix-xrara li taqbad il-kunċett mnikkta tal-Univers Skur ta' Universal li ma kiseb l-ebda momentum minn meta Tom Cruise falluta attentat biex jirxoxta. Il-Mummy.

Ukoll, fil-video tal-podcast, Moss tgħid li hi mhux ġol Wolf Man film sabiex kull spekulazzjoni li huwa proġett crossover titħalla fl-arja.

Sadanittant, l-Universal Studios jinsab f'nofs il-bini ta' dar tas-sena kollha ġewwa Las Vegas li se juru xi wħud mill-monsters ċinematiku klassiċi tagħhom. Skont l-attendenza, din tista' tkun l-ispinta li l-istudjo jeħtieġ biex jerġa' jinteressa lill-udjenzi fl-IPs tal-kreaturi tagħhom u biex jikseb aktar films magħmula bbażati fuqhom.

Il-proġett ta 'Las Vegas huwa mistenni li jinfetaħ fl-2025, li jikkoinċidi mal-park tematiku proprju l-ġdid tagħhom f'Orlando imsejħa Univers epiku.

Reviżjoni tal-'Gwerra Ċivili': Tajjeb Tara?

Kompli Qari


Is-Serje 'Presumed Innocent' tat-Thriller ta' Jake Gyllenhaal Tiġi Data ta' Ħruġ Bikrija



Jake gyllenhaal preżunt innoċenti

Is-serje limitata ta’ Jake Gyllenhaal Preżunt Innoċenti qed niżel fuq AppleTV+ fit-12 ta’ Ġunju minflok fl-14 ta’ Ġunju kif kien ippjanat oriġinarjament. L-istilla, li Road House reboot għandu ġab reviżjonijiet imħallta fuq Amazon Prime, qed iħaddan l-iskrin żgħir għall-ewwel darba minn meta dehra tiegħu fuq Omiċidju: Ħajja fit-Triq fil 1994.

Jake Gyllenhaal f''Preżunt Innoċenti'

Preżunt Innoċenti qed jiġi prodott minn David E Kelley, Robot Ħażin ta' JJ Abrams, u Warner Bros Huwa adattament tal-film ta’ Scott Turow tal-1990 li fih Harrison Ford jinterpreta avukat li jagħmel dmir doppju bħala investigatur ifittex lill-qattiel tal-kollega tiegħu.

Dawn it-tipi ta’ thrillers sexy kienu popolari fis-snin 90 u ġeneralment kien fihom truf tal-brim. Hawn il-karru għall-oriġinal:

Skond Skadenza, Preżunt Innoċenti ma jitbiegħedx 'il bogħod mill-materjal tas-sors: “...il Preżunt Innoċenti Is-serje se tesplora l-ossessjoni, is-sess, il-politika u l-poter u l-limiti tal-imħabba hekk kif l-akkużat jiġġieled biex iżomm il-familja u ż-żwieġ tiegħu flimkien.”

Sa jmiss għal Gyllenhaal huwa l- Guy Ritchie film ta' azzjoni intitolat Fil-Gray skedat għal rilaxx f'Jannar 2025.

Preżunt Innoċenti hija serje limitata ta’ tmien episodji li se tixxandar fuq AppleTV+ mit-12 ta’ Ġunju.

Reviżjoni tal-'Gwerra Ċivili': Tajjeb Tara?

Kompli Qari